

Wolfgang Weileder introduces the Jetty Project: Art & Sustainability an AHRC (Arts and Humanities Research Council) funded collaboration between Newcastle and Lancaster Universities in partnership with Tyne and Wear Buildings Preservation Trust. The presentation outlines the aims and objectives of this research that will use Dunston Staithes as it’s context and looks at his work Transfer as an example of an artwork of scale that was a 1:1 replica of the Milton Keynes Gallery architectural cube.

Wolfgang Weileder Presentation PDF


Professor Simon Guy discusses and outlines the role of Lancaster University in the Jetty Project: Art & sustainability and how this feeds into his research on the Sustainability Agenda.  He discusses Transfer as a work that invites us to engage with a view of architecture as a flow of practices both of construction and consumption. This opens up a space for a different conversation about architecture in which design and development is a process of building networks and enrolling actors, agencies, technologies, materials, legislation, etc. to collectively produce a stable material artefact.

Simon Guy Presentation PDF