Cone: “It makes sense now”

This week’s activities resulted in a number of people accessing Cone. On Tuesday evening, residents of Staiths South Bank self-organised a tour of Cone, kindly supported by TWBPT. Thirteen people were treated to a fabulous sunset over the River Tyne. The sun setting behind Cone, 9th September 2014.   Staiths South Bank residents tour, 9th September…

Sustainability Cafe

Last Thursday, six people came to the sustainability cafe that was led by the University of Lancaster. With nine people in total, we thought that this was about as much as the staiths could reasonably handle for safety reasons. Inside Cone, the word ‘sublime’ was mentioned on more than one occasion. After spending a while…

Field Notes: 4th June 2014

 Art, Sustainability and Heritage: A Walking Tour with Power and the Water On Wednesday 4th June 2014, Angela led a walk out to Dunston Staiths. The Power and the Water research team, from the Universities of Bristol, Nottingham and East Anglia, agreed to be dragged along for some exercise, art and industrial heritage during their…

Sustainability: A Multifaceted Concept

Did you know that global coal production continues to rise sharply? Did you know that people as diverse as Baruch Spinoza, a seventeenth century philosopher, to Ian McHarg, a scottish landscape designer, have all contributed in some way to the complex debates about sustainability? Sustainability: Concepts and Timelines In this graphic, we’ve attempted to map…

Connecting with ‘Power and the Water’

Power and the Water: Connecting Pasts with Futures is an AHRC-funded project involving the Universities of Bristol, East Anglia and Nottingham. The project examines the nature of environmental connectivities since industrialization and how their legacies challenge us in the early 21st century. Early in April 2014, Angela met up with one of their researchers, Dr…

Staiths South Bank, Dunston and Teams

There are a number of distinct communities in the area, each with their own concerns and who may view Dunston Staiths on different terms. They will, no doubt, have significantly different understandings of the term ‘sustainability’. Directly next to Dunston Staiths lies the Staiths South Bank Development. Its design emerged after the fashion designer, Wayne…

Understanding and mapping concerns

As part of the Jetty Project, we wanted to move beyond a simple understanding of “communities” who are to be engaged with. There are many communities and they can all creatively offer different things to the project. Each community will have different understandings of what sustainability is and what the role of art is. Initially,…