Cone – Launch Event

The launch event for Cone will take place on Thursday 3rd July 6 – 8 pm at Dunston Staiths… cone_invite_mb

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Day 5 of Construction

In the flurry of activity surrounding Cone, I managed to have several conversations with Wolfgang about the work. He spoke of his previous architectural-scale projects where he increasingly recognises that it is important that people make sense of the artwork themselves; from the apprentices who help construct it, to the people who view it. The…

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The weather has been more than kind for the building of the first Jetty project artwork. Five construction maintenance students from Gateshead College have begun work under the direction of Dave Purvis from Mears. This week has mostly been about preparing the site and getting the equipment and aquadyne there. Perhaps the most strenuous activity…

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  The first artwork by Wolfgang Weileder as part of the Jetty project: Art & Sustainability will begin construction this month – June 2014. Return here for further updates or sign up for our RSS feed…

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 Art, Sustainability and Heritage: A Walking Tour with Power and the Water On Wednesday 4th June 2014, Angela led a walk out to Dunston Staiths. The Power and the Water research team, from the Universities of Bristol, Nottingham and East Anglia, agreed to be dragged along for some exercise, art and industrial heritage during their…

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The restoration of a Tyneside industrial monument has begun after decades of uncertainty over its future survival. The first new timbers have been grafted on to Dunston Staiths on the Gateshead riverside as the first move in a £450,000 restoration programme. Dunston Staiths, which is a scheduled monument and a listed structure, played a crucial…

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Prof. Simon Guy and Dr. Angela Connelly will be presenting their initial research around the Jetty Art Project at the Royal Geographical Society-Institute of British Geographers (RGS-IBG) in London on Friday, 29th August. The title is Art and Sustainability: Design in the Making, which will be delivered in a session entitled ‘Complicating the co-production of art: Hidden…

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Did you know that global coal production continues to rise sharply? Did you know that people as diverse as Baruch Spinoza, a seventeenth century philosopher, to Ian McHarg, a scottish landscape designer, have all contributed in some way to the complex debates about sustainability? Sustainability: Concepts and Timelines In this graphic, we’ve attempted to map…

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